Cosmology Calculator

       This Cosmology Calculator allows users to explore the expanding universe
       using a simple and easy-to-use interface. Users may specify the components for "Matter",
       "Dark Energy", the CMB z value, the Hubble Constant, and other input information.

       The model produces calculations of various distances and times when
       certain events occurred during the expansion of the universe.

       The model also provides various output styles including 8 pages (50 columns)
       of tabular output for dozens of z values.

       The observer reference point (normally "now") may be moved to points in the past
       or to points in the future.

       Extensive documentation is provided with many examples of advanced techniques.

       Important: iPad users must set "reading mode" to between 50% - 85% for proper viewing.
       Important: iPhone users must set "reading mode" to 50% for proper viewing.

       ** Cosmology Calculator V1.1

       - Individual pages may take 1-2 seconds and large z Tables may take 4-7 seconds.

      Documentation for Cosmology Calculator

       For questions regarding this site, contact (email): David Cook ( is also hosting this model